Support Our Work - PART III

Thank you for considering donating to Part III - Action Research and Resource Centre. Your contribution can help make law accessible to those who need it the most and can ensure accountability from our institutions.

At Part III we are committed to building a just society and defending the rights of disadvantaged communities. We strive to simplify and make legal processes accessible to vulnerable individuals/groups, grassroot leaders and other community stakeholders. We require your support to accomplish this. By uniting, we have the potential to establish a more accessible system.

How Your Donation will Help Part III ?

  • We will be able to provide legal aid for disadvantaged communities in general and the survivors of Gender based violence in particular
  • You can help us support vulnerable communities to seek required assistance from the institutions working for their well-being
  • With your support we can do rigorous field research and identify the root causes of inaccessibility
  • We will be able to build a legal archive in forms that are simple and accessible to every citizen

80G Tax Benefits: Your contributions are eligible for up to 50% tax benefit under section 80G

PART III – Action Research & Resource Centre

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